Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Exciting new book being written by Capt. Ron - his greatest year of change and last year of full-time professional sailing! Seeking, Giving, Suspense, Romance all are part of this one, as Capt. Ron appears to be growing up finally!Watch for Capt. Ron's new book based on his great year of change - 1983. His Log of his sailing vessel Kayoss chronicles his departure from International Field Studies, his cruise to New England with a soulmate, who he met studying to become a yoga teacher on Paradise I. Docked in New Havenhe joins another fellow yoga teacher to travel North of Montreal to another Ashram. Wanting to help hisFather, placed in a rest home at age of 62, he takes Holistic Health Practitioner Course In Pennsylvania.Already a romantic figure, being a sailor, he unwittingly appeared to become more attractive by struggling to be celibate. Kayoss becomes part of the Ocean of Love. Possibly titled Sailing on the Ocean of Love, Capt. Ron's Log of 1983